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Rowridge Com7 & Com8 multiplexes

Rowridge Com7 & Com8 multiplexes

Two added multiplexes can now provide viewers with Freeview HD or YouView equipment or a BT Vision or Talk Talk box with access to additional channels through their terrestrial TV aerial.

COM7 and 8 broadcast to just over 70% of UK households, using frequencies which were dormant at the time of the digital switchover. Coverage is broadly similar, although there are a few locations where one and not the other is available.

What’s available on the extra multplexes?
COM7 and 8 broadcast the following channels:


5USA+1 (SD) (1800-0500)
Al Jazeera English HD
BBC Four HD (1858-0530)
Bollywood HD (Streamed Service)
CBeebies HD (0530-1857)
CBS Action+1 (SD)
CBS Reality+1 (SD)  
Keep It Country (SD)
TWR (Radio)
Vintage TV (SD)
VIVA UK (SD) (0500-1800)


5 STAR+1
BT Showcase HD 
Forces TV
QVC Beauty HD

Am I in the coverage area for these channels?
Viewers can check local Freeview coverage and available channels, based on the transmitters that should be receivable at any given location at www.digitaluk.co.uk/coveragechecker

However, these 2 additional COM’s are broadcast at a much lower power, compared to the main BBC & ITV Channels (200Kw): with COM7 outputting 24Kw. with COM8 outputting 18Kw. These multiplexes are only available with the aerial mounted horizontally, so additional amplification may be needed in some parts of the area to receive these multiplexes.

HD viewing equipment must also be used to receive these channels.

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